The District provides professional forest management advice to the private landowner, taking into account his or her objectives and goals. Guidance is generally given during a site visit, but a forest management plan can be created for qualified landowners. This is a document that identifies the current resources on a property and provides direction for landowners in order to make informed decisions and practice sustainable forestry. The plans can qualify individuals for funding to implement forestry practices in some cases. Assistance is also conducted as related to tree health, invasive species, forestry best management practices (BMPs), available programs and tree planting.
In addition to working with private landowners, the District is responsible for maintaining and implementing a multiple-use management plan on Oswego County's reforestation properties. There are approximately 2,200 acres of County reforestation properties, spread among 28 parcels. The parcels range in size from 1.45 acres to just over 200 acres and are scattered throughout 7 townships. The management plan is based on a forest inventory, which involves systematically collecting information on basal area, tree diameter and height, merchantability, regeneration and stand health, as well as land and water features.
The data collected is then summarized to determine stand composition, quality, basal area, relative density, trees per acre and other information used in determining management strategies. This information is utilized to create a harvest schedule, stand level prescriptions and sustainable forest management marking guides. District staff mark the timber in each forest stand based on the prescription and marking guide developed. All of the operational aspects of a harvest are also planned and identified on the ground, such as log landings, skid trails and Best Management Practices. Generally, one timber sale is advertised for competitive bid each year.
Tree Invasive Species Links:
Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB) - NYSDEC
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) - NYSDEC